happyDomain : simplifions l'usage des noms de domaine

By Pierre-Olivier on Sep 30 2023

Table of Contents

Welcome to happyDomain!

Our project was born of a simple idea: what if we (finally) simplified the use of domain names?

Because domain names are a key element in ensuring privacy on the Internet, and because it’s not always easy to find your way around the sometimes obscure interfaces of domain name providers, we felt it was essential to create a tool that could be used by everyone, from the average Joe and Jane to the most seasoned system administrator.

happyDomain lets you manage all domain name-related services and configure all DNS zone entries.

Because being present on the Internet has become necessary in our hyper-connected society, our team is committed to giving you both the tools and the guarantees for a healthier Internet. Take a look :

Commitment #1: easier management of domain names

happyDomain is a modern web interface designed by domain name experts. It can be used online or installed at home.

Use happyDomain to manage your domains hosted by popular providers, or to administer your own authoritative server such as bind, knot, PowerDNS, or Microsoft DNS Server, Azure DNS, Route 53, …

To date, happyDomain offers the following features:

  • DNS zone administration for Gandi, OVH and over 40 other domain name providers.
  • Administration from a DNS server implementing Dynamic DNS (RFC 2136): bind, knot, PowerDNS, etc.
  • A resolver for testing and debugging.
  • History (still rudimentary) to easily go back in time in the event of an error.
  • Pre-propagation display of the changes that will be made to your domain, to limit errors.
  • An “abstract” visualization of the zone, where elements are cleverly grouped together; see the project presentation.

Commitment #2: an indispensable tool for respecting your privacy

To be sure of your independence on the Internet, you need your own domain name.

Owning a domain name means ensuring that all related services, such as e-mail or our website, are in our own hands.

Did you know, for example, that @orange.fr or @wanadoo.fr addresses expire 6 months after subscription termination? What will you do when your productions and archives are destroyed, not to mention the countless online services and other subscriptions attached to this address?

What will happen to your @gmail.com address when the use of personal data is regulated by restrictive laws and Google abruptly shuts down your service, for lack of profitability or other reasons?

By owning your own domain name, you can protect yourself against all these risks and become truly independent. You can change providers whenever you like. And there’s no need to tell all your contacts that your site address or e-mail address has changed.

Commitment #3: an open-source project for total transparency

happyDomain is a free (as free speech) project, licensed under CeCILL, a license compatible with and comparable to AGPL 3.0. It guarantees its application in French and international law.

You too can contribute to the development of happyDomain and make its use even easier and more enjoyable for users. We’re looking for help with translation, programming, interface design, bug-finding, etc.

Take a look at our code repository, and help decide on future developments.

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Would you like to try happyDomain?

You can choose to try it out:

  1. Online: create your user account on https://happydomain.org/.
  2. On your server: download the binaries here: https://get.happydomain.org/master/. You'll find them for Linux, both for classic machines and servers (amd64), and for recent Raspberry Pi models such as armv7 or arm64, and older ones like armhf.
  3. You can also launch our Docker image:
    docker container run -e HAPPYDOMAIN_NO_AUTH=1 -p 8081:8081 happydomain/happydomain
    The NO_AUTH option bypasses user account creation, which is ideal for testing. Of course, don't use it in everyday life.
    Then go to http://localhost:8081/ to start managing your domains!

You can help us go further!

happyDomain is growing, and we need your talents to make it even simpler and more useful.

Users, administrators, newcomers, give your opinion to guide future functionalities by suggesting or voting for future features.

Developers, translators, copywriters, screen designers, testers, join the joyeuxDNS team! You'll find us on our Git repository here.