Our conference at the Open Source Experience

By Frédéric on Dec 8 2023

The happyDomain team had the incredible opportunity to engage with the vibrant tech community at the Open Source Experience, held on December 7th, 2023, at the Palais des Congrès in Paris.

Our presence at this event was marked by insightful interactions, productive discussions, and the chance to share our vision with a diverse audience. On Thursday, December 7th, we hosted a conference that drew a curious and enthusiastic crowd. The session started at 2:45 pm in room 142, and we were thrilled to see the room buzzing with attendees eager to learn about our innovative approach to DNS and simplicity.

Our team passionately discussed how we aim to redefine the way people think about DNS, making it more accessible and user-friendly. The engagement from the audience was palpable, with numerous questions and lively discussions following our presentation.

For those eager to delve deeper into our presentation, we are excited to share the complete slideshow on our blog, providing a comprehensive view of our innovative approach to making DNS user-friendly and straightforward.

We encourage you to subscribe to our blog or to our Mastodon account to stay updated. This way, you won’t miss out on this valuable resource, as well as other future updates and insights from our team.

Lastly, we want to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who came to meet us at the Open Source Experience. Your enthusiasm and engaging conversations have inspired us, and we are more committed than ever to making DNS synonymous with simplicity.

Stay tuned for more updates, and we hope to see you at our future events!

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Would you like to try happyDomain?

You can choose to try it out:

  1. Online: create your user account on https://happydomain.org/.
  2. On your server: download the binaries here: https://get.happydomain.org/master/. You'll find them for Linux, both for classic machines and servers (amd64), and for recent Raspberry Pi models such as armv7 or arm64, and older ones like armhf.
  3. You can also launch our Docker image:
    docker container run -e HAPPYDOMAIN_NO_AUTH=1 -p 8081:8081 happydomain/happydomain
    The NO_AUTH option bypasses user account creation, which is ideal for testing. Of course, don't use it in everyday life.
    Then go to http://localhost:8081/ to start managing your domains!

You can help us go further!

happyDomain is growing, and we need your talents to make it even simpler and more useful.

Users, administrators, newcomers, give your opinion to guide future functionalities by suggesting or voting for future features.

Developers, translators, copywriters, screen designers, testers, join the joyeuxDNS team! You'll find us on our Git repository here.